
Welcome to "FIRE": The Exciting Card Game of Strategy and Chance!

Objective: The goal of "FIRE" is to be the first player to flip all the cards in your opponents' color set(s).


  1. Each player selects a color set of cards from the deck.
  2. Arrange your color set in front of you in sequential order.


  1. Roll the dice to determine the starting player. The player who highest goes first. (In games with three or more the rotation always goes to the left of the highest roller.)
  2. On your turn, roll the dice again.
  3. Use the total of the rolled dice to decide which cards your opponents must flip over.
  4. Opponents flip over cards based on the total rolled, trying to match it as closely as possible using the cards available on the table.
  5. If you roll doubles of any kind this is how you flip the double cards, you can opt out of flipping the doubles card and use the total if you wish. 
  6. The game continues with players taking turns rolling the dice and flipping cards until one players' cards are the only ones left unturned.
  7.  The dice totals are the main factor here and if it adds up to the total in any way there is no minimum or maximum number of cards a player can flip over.

Additional Rules:

  • A die that cannot be used should be discarded, and the other die can be used to flip if a match exists. Players cannot spilt a die once a die has been discarded. If there are no flips to be had it is a loss of turn and its the next players turn.
  • In games with more than two players, players can choose cards from different opponents to match the total rolled.
  • If a player eliminates all their opponents cards, they win the game.

Solo Play: Try to flip all the cards in your color set as quickly as possible. Time yourself to see how fast you can complete the game!

Group Play (More than 4 players): In group play, the player who flips the last card in their color set wins!